Sunday, May 08, 2005

Yeah, um, I wrote this um, today... Just kind of a venting exercise.

Dissolve into tears
Just be dramatic
Manipulative behavior

You stopped hiding your problems
You tried not to be alone
You’re happy, you think

She’s got tears of her own now
And you’re too grown up not to care
You hold it in
Prevent a scene

Care too much
Break your heart
So cliché, just not the same

Try so hard
But don’t achieve
Just not yourself anymore

It’s unpleasant.
But it’s your life
The way it is before your face

Advice columnists, best friends, TV shows
Do their best to comprehend
But the problem’s deeper

Hold it in for the sake of others’ tears
Hold it in because you always were the strong one
Cut your skin
Don’t assign blame
Drink up
Doesn’t matter anymore

You’re not another charity case
Don’t want to live anymore
So sick of being so ignored

Wish your mind could be read
Feel like you’re better off dead
Then maybe they would care just a little

So you hold your heart
You hold your thoughts
And dismiss it in a dream
It’s not your fault
Don’t want to die
Just another drama queen