One of those days
It's just that kind of day. You know the kind.
When the sun just won't shine.
Everyone goes on about their business as usual, but there's a sad air about it. Smiles seem forced, everyone's tired. Wondering where there life could've been if
they hadn't made that one decision, if they weren't so...
It's one of those days, where reality hits.
One of those depressing days, in which you notice how difficult the world is.
How hard it is to really succeed.
When you realize things can't and won't go back to how they used to be.
You realize the grimness of reality.
Nothing is certain but time.
And you will never be exactly what you wish
and if you do, it's not all that it seemed.
No matter where you go, you will face problems.
Just when you think your safe, something else will happen.
You can never stop.
You will always remember.
Everything you do,
is affected by others and everything you do affects someone else.
Nobody's perfect,
no matter how they seem.
It's one of those days,
where change is born,
when you decide to do something different,
you decide to take a stand,
or you decide to back down.
It's a day, when friends are enemies,
normal is different
and life is just bowl of cherries,
but you find you want strawberries more.
It's a reflective day.
But then you wonder.
Is it really all so bad?
Is it bad that you have to work hard?
Do we really want to be where we were?
Isn't it better to reach farther than our dreams? Because how much can we really foresee?
Won't troubles lift us up and help us grow beyond our oldest age?
Do we want to be safe?
Do we really want to stop?
Do we want to forget? Because then, what's the point?
Won't it make us better, to know that we can affect?
And why would anyone want to be perfect?
It's one of those days,
we decide to think things through
we learn to accept
and to embrace the fact
that we don't know what to do..
When the sun just won't shine.
Everyone goes on about their business as usual, but there's a sad air about it. Smiles seem forced, everyone's tired. Wondering where there life could've been if
they hadn't made that one decision, if they weren't so...
It's one of those days, where reality hits.
One of those depressing days, in which you notice how difficult the world is.
How hard it is to really succeed.
When you realize things can't and won't go back to how they used to be.
You realize the grimness of reality.
Nothing is certain but time.
And you will never be exactly what you wish
and if you do, it's not all that it seemed.
No matter where you go, you will face problems.
Just when you think your safe, something else will happen.
You can never stop.
You will always remember.
Everything you do,
is affected by others and everything you do affects someone else.
Nobody's perfect,
no matter how they seem.
It's one of those days,
where change is born,
when you decide to do something different,
you decide to take a stand,
or you decide to back down.
It's a day, when friends are enemies,
normal is different
and life is just bowl of cherries,
but you find you want strawberries more.
It's a reflective day.
But then you wonder.
Is it really all so bad?
Is it bad that you have to work hard?
Do we really want to be where we were?
Isn't it better to reach farther than our dreams? Because how much can we really foresee?
Won't troubles lift us up and help us grow beyond our oldest age?
Do we want to be safe?
Do we really want to stop?
Do we want to forget? Because then, what's the point?
Won't it make us better, to know that we can affect?
And why would anyone want to be perfect?
It's one of those days,
we decide to think things through
we learn to accept
and to embrace the fact
that we don't know what to do..
"It's one of those days,
we decide to think things through
we learn to accept
and to embrace the fact
that we don't know what to do.."
I don't think there is a soul on this planet you knows a 100% what he/she want to do with themselves or what they are supposed to do . So all I can say is whatever will happen will happen.
All we can do is and I'm taking this from your earliar post is Carpe Diem . Sieze each day and make it your own.
Awesomely written aarushi . Both the posts.
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