Wednesday, May 12, 2004

True Happiness

Author's Note:
I wrote this story as I was trying to reflect on life. It's called Lacy, because I don't know what else I can call it. I hope you enjoy it. I am always open to CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. luvs~ Spunks note: Carpe Diem means Seize the Day in Latin.

Lacy closed her eyes against the warm wind. It was nearly summer and she was outside, walking. She was not a person to bike or run, although she liked them fine. SHe was just the type of person to walk. She could think, breathe and appreciate the world, appreciate nature, breath and life. She saw life. Life in everything.
She saw life in daisies and ladybugs. She saw life in young children, she saw life in old, happy neighbors and passers by.
Everyone had a different agenda, a different plan, a different life. Everyone's life went so fast, so busy. People didn't dedicate a lot of time to wondering what another person's world was like.

Lacy was different. She quietly observed. She saw the world, saw life as it was happening. She loved it, she enjoyed every second. She turned her head and opened her eyes. She, then, held herself up and wandered the neighborhood.. she stopped for a second and noticed and eager bird pecking at some birdseed. she wondered what it must be like to be this bird. A hard, long day of searching and finally finding a bit of food.
Her attention was averted by a faint cry. It was a baby in the arms of a loving grandmother. The grandmother was gently starting to feed the baby and rocked it slightly.
Lacy thought of the baby, it was small and helpless, being taken care of bt it's loving elder. Longing to gain independence. Not knowing of the difficulties and strife of the world. What a blissful age it must be, young and small.. exploring, discovering and learning. Lacy loved learning. No one appreciated knowledge. She wanted nothing more than to know. Such a wonderful thing, to have answers. She knew that this baby, alone, appreciated knowledge and truth. A million questions to be asked, a million answers to receive. The joy and wonderment.
She shifted her gaze to the grandmother. She had laugh lindes around her eyes and a bright smile on her face. Lacy could tell that she had once been a very pretty woman and was still a beautiful person. She was beaming down on her grandchild. How incredible it had to be. To grow old, to be old. Lacy knew. She had seen everyone, her mother, her teacher, those women on TV, trying to avoid age. They seemed to think that the only way to be happy was to be young and youthful.
But with each year, she knew, the old woman gained knowledge, had grown more, had lived more. The old woman laughed as her grandchild clapped her tiny hands.
This old woman was happy. Right then and there, having lived her life and helping in another. Lacy saw the joy in the woman's eyes and thought that this surely must be happiness. Happiness is the world in front of you. The joy of birth, life and creation. It was more than just a process, it was a gift. The greatest.
Lacy closed her eyes and dreamed on life. She was young and her life was yet to be filled. She wanted it to be amazing. Something she could tell her grandchildren and maybe see them laugh and beam, the way the baby was. There was so much life out there, so much to explore. She hummed to herself and whispered,"Carpe Diem."